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a BTS concert: How much is the ticket if it is in the first row?

a BTS concert: How much is the ticket if it is in the first row?

First, let me respond to your question about the tickets. Disclaimer: This is based on personal experience and does not apply exclusively to BTS concerts. I'm sure there are others who can answer your question with specific knowledge of BTS performances, but I hope the information I provide here is still useful.


Front Row is AFTER VIP from where I am (which is at the very very front of the stage.). So I'll start with VIP.

VIP tickets might range between USD 200 and $500. The fee, however, will be determined by how 'in demand' the performing group is. With BTS, I'm sure it'll be around the USD 600 mark for VIP tickets.

Not to mention those who are already at the VVIP level (usually reserved for celebrities and other powerful people who wanted to also go to the concert.).

Front row tickets can cost between $200 and $300 USD. This is the area behind the VIPs. So it's not near to the stage unless it's a standing space where VIPs and Front Row can mix, and from there it's survival. You can sit in the first row or in general admission, but if things become really wild, you might get lucky and push your way to the very front. That is something I did once, and it was a memorable experience. You simply must exercise caution and avoid injuring yourself.

The general admission price ranges from USD 70 to 150. And this might be anywhere from the venue's center to the bleachers.

So here are some pointers for buying tickets and understanding what to expect.

1. Examine the seating chart for the venue. Do this when the band has announced tour dates that include your city. From there, you can decide which seats you want to take. It pays to plan ahead of time where you want to sit so that when you get tickets, you know exactly where you want to be.

2. Have a backup seating plan in place. Expect a flurry of demand for the seats you desire (in this case, front row), but it never hurts to have a backup plan.

3. Plan out your purchasing strategy. Prepare your credit card and PayPal information if you are shopping online. If you plan on lining up, prepare to wait all night or arrive early in the morning to obtain a good spot (but do not expect to get prime seats by the time it is your turn.).

4. This is significant. I realize it's all about being close to the idols, but know your budget and acquire tickets that are affordable for you. In the end, whether you're in the front row or not, you'll have a good time.

5. Once purchased, be prepared for the following scenarios to occur as you wait for the event:

  • postponement of the event to another date owing to health, personal, and/or natural occurrences such as delayed flights/storms, etc. (In this case, the organizers and talent should make a statement detailing the new time/date of the concert as well as the opportunity for a refund.) This is still feasible because the performer and organizers can offer another day to return and complete their performance obligation.

  • Cancellation. As much as we all despise it, it does occur. However, cancellations are not made unless there is a very solid reason, such as health, natural events, or other circumstances that cannot be corrected or relocated to another date owing to how serious or dire the situation is. (The organizers are required to return your tickets without question.)

  • Change of venue. This is unusual, but it can happen. It could be due to high demand, and the facility is unable to accommodate... The venue may be too large or too tiny, or there may be certain things in the venue that affect the concert's stage/sound design.

  • Seat Swap. This had happened a few times before, and it can be a frustrating and overwhelming undertaking to resolve. This can happen either before or during the event. TIP: Try to contact ticket sales before the event to confirm your seat so that everyone is on the same page. If you pay with a credit card, they will have a record, but if you pay with cash, your receipt is your proof of purchase.

  • But seriously, whether you're in the front row or general admission, I think you'll have a good time. BTS gives their all in every concert, and I am confident it will be an unforgettable experience. Just remember to keep your expectations in check, set a budget for yourself, and have an effin' good time. I hope this helps you understand what you can and cannot do.

Have fun and good luck!

thank you
